Tree Species Recommendations for Your Yard

Recommended Native Trees List

The Shade Tree Commission strongly recommends native trees to help support the other species that depend on them as part of our ecosystem. Non-native options can be considered, but please do not plant invasive species or those that are currently susceptible to invasive infestation or disease. The following is a partial list of native trees in the region, recommended to be used on projects in our area. All are readily available nursery stock.

Scientific Name

  1. Acer rubrum
  2. Acer saccharum
  3. Betula nigra
  4. Carpinus caroliniana
  5. Carya ovata
  6. Celtis occidentalis
  7. Cladrastis kentukea
  8. Fagus grandifolia
  9. Gleditsia triacanthos
  10. Gymnocladus dioicus
  11. Juglans nigra
  12. Liquidambar styraciflua
  13. Nyssa sylvatica
  14. Oxydendrum arboretum
  15. Platanus occidentalis
  16. Quercus alba
  17. Quercus bicolor
  18. Quercus imbricaria
  19. Quercus macrocarpa
  20. Quercus phellos
  21. Taxodium distichum
  22. Tilia americana

Common Name

  1. Red Maple
  2. Sugar Maple
  3. River Birch
  4. American Hornbeam, Ironwood
  5. Shagbark Hickory
  6. Hackberry
  7. Yellowwood
  8. American Beech
  9. Honey Locust
  10. Kentucky Coffee Tree
  11. Black Walnut
  12. Sweetgum
  13. Black Gum
  14. Sourwood
  15. American Sycamore
  16. White Oak
  17. Swamp White Oak
  18. Shingle Oak
  19. Bur Oak
  20. Willow Oak
  21. Common Bald Cypress
  22. American Linden, American Basswood

Ornamental Trees 

  1. Amelanchier arborea
  2. Cercis canadensis
  3. Chionanthus virginicus
  4. Cornus florida
  5. Cotinus obovatus
  6. Crataegus spp.
  7. Halesia carolina
  8. Magnolia virginiana
  9. Magnolia macrophylla
  10. Malus spp.
  11. Ostrya virginiana
  1. Serviceberry
  2. Eastern Redbud
  3. Fringe Tree
  4. Flowering Dogwood
  5. American Smoke
  6. Tree Hawthorne
  7. Species Carolina Silverbell
  8. Sweetbay Magnolia
  9. Big Leaf Magnolia
  10. Crabapple Species
  11. Hophornbeam

 Evergreen Trees

  1. Chameacyparis spp.
  2. Ilex  opaca
  3. Juniperus communis
  4. Juniperus virginiana
  5. Pinus rigida
  6. Thuja occidentalis “Green Giant”
  7. Pinus strobus
  1. False Cypress Species
  2. American Holly
  3. Common Juniper
  4. Eastern Red Cedar
  5. Pitch Pine
  6. Green Giant American Arborvitae
  7. Eastern White Pine

(Adapted from Princeton Shade Tree Commission)